this book is a must have for you if you are

A Founder Terrified of Failure: If the fear of failure is holding you back from pursuing your ambitious venture, this guide will provide the confidence and knowledge to conquer that fear and move forward.

A Dreamer with Ambitions of Raising Capital: If you aspire to raise your first round of capital and set your business on the path to success, this book is your step-by-step guide to making that dream a reality.

A Seeker of Inside Information: For those who desire a deeper understanding of the secrets that only experienced fund-raisers know about navigating the world of investors and capital markets.

A Visionary with a Brilliant Business Idea: If you're brimming with innovative ideas but lack the necessary resources to implement them, this book will teach you how to attract investors who can turn your vision into reality.

An Entrepreneur Aspiring to Master Execution: If you're aiming to improve your decision-making skills and ability to execute effectively, this book will equip you with the essential tools and strategies.

In Search of a Proven, Time-Tested Method to Raising Capital: No tricks or quick fixes - this book offers a reliable, proven approach to securing your first round of funding, based on 25 years of expertise.

Desiring Strategies to Secure Capital without Personal Debt: Learn how to raise funds without getting into personal debt or risking your own money. This book teaches you how to stay in the "Zone of Fairness" and create win-win situations for both you and your investors.